Crisis Communications

On stand-by 24/7 in times of crisis.
A crisis or issue —whether foreseeable or entirely unexpected — can have considerable impact. On the internal affairs of an organisation, on its relationship with external stakeholders. And in many cases, with consequences on reputation. We thoroughly and attentively prepare organisations and individuals to times of crisis, and in those moments, remain available 24/7. As a spokesperson, as a sparring partner, as a strategist.
Our crisis team consists of highly experienced communications experts who have guided clients in the private and public sectors for years. Our team also draws from its legal expertise, which has recurrently proved useful in challenging situations. An organisation that communicates and operates effectively and robustly when crisis strikes, can prevent a great deal of damage.


‘I very much enjoy working closely with Buutvrij, Zuiver Media and Coebergh PR. We make decisions around our campaigns ourselves, but I of course like to spar with them on making these choices.’ – Ine Stultjens, Manager Marketing & Communications at Koninklijke Auping on Marketing Tribune about marketing during the corona crisis.


Negative publicity in real estate sector due to conflict
A conflict between a property owner – our client – and the landlord of one of our client’s establishments led to negative publicity and parliamentary questions. We advised, intervened as spokesperson, and acted as an intermediary between both parties. Our intervention contributed to halting negative publicity and restoring reputation.

School dispute: from impending reputational damage to de-escalation A quarrel gone out-of-hand between a teacher and a student from a high school – part of a larger community of schools – led to national media exposure and a wave of negative social media attention. Through cautious media monitoring and analysis, the formulation of key messages and the streamlining of consultations and cooperation between the parties involved, we contributed to the de-escalation of this (PR) crisis.

Food & Fake Facts 
A potentially harmful substance was found in a product of a baby-food manufacturer. Although the substance quantity was well within the legal norm and implied no danger to public health, it threatened to damage reputation or even lead to a decline in revenue. We assisted our client in defining the key messages to stakeholders, created extensive Q&A’s and ensured thorough participation in interviews.

Personal PR – also for when things aren’t going as well 
One of our country’s leading editors-in-chief faced heavy criticism. Print press, radio, TV and social media got carried away. Cause: a misinterpreted statement in an interview. By actively engaging in dialogue – where we advised on tone, core content, and platform, and where we were available 24/7 for support and feedback – the outstanding reputation of this professional remained intact.